Ten Ways to Run Out of Money Part 7
June 29, 2020
- Whatever size your home, let’s go to #7, getting hurt
- Who has a close friend or family member who experienced a crippling injury?
- Luckiest client ever, had a client fall from the top of the ladder, only bruises
- 2019 numbers put nursing home cost in KY at $8.6k per month.
- Numbers are from https://www.genworth.com/aging-and-you/finances/cost-of-care.html
- Second assignment, one month’s premium upgrading your home
- Hand rails, lights and non-slip first priorities!
- Not age specific! We have a client with many of these requirements in his 30’s.
- Too much ego? Make it safe for your future self or a ‘friend’
View the AARP HomeFit Guide here for smart solutions to making your home comfortable and safe.
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